Now, without further to do, here is a fabulously fun photo shoot I did this summer with Morris and Dolores.
Morris and Dolores are dear friends of ours.....they are another set of grandparents to us.
They are a wonderful Christian couple, who love and serve the Lord.
Morris and Dolores were instrumental in leading my dad to the Christ, and are a great encouragement and example to us.
In August, we went and visited them.....they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary that month, and Dolores asked me to do some photos to commemorate the special occasion!
She was especially excited, and I think Morris enjoyed it more than he thought he would!
He came up with many ideas, and we laughed a lot!
We did three different sessions with different outfits-Here is the first set. Enjoy!
We tried to do an "American Gothic" style shoot-Did we ever have fun!!!!
Chasing with the pitchfork!
Watch out!
This was one of Morris' ideas! His expression is priceless!